Resolve Urgent Plumbing Issues with an Emergency Plumber Near You
Problems such as leaky faucets or pipes don’t always require immediate attention. However, if issues such as backed-up sewage, burst pipes, or water heater break-downs arise, you need repair ASAP from a plumbing professional. Thankfully, Reading Plumbing, Inc. is the go-to emergency plumber near you. We offer fast and efficient 24-hour emergency service for urgent plumbing concerns.
Reasons You Should Call a Plumber ASAP
When your home or business’s plumbing isn’t working as it should, you understandably want the problem quickly resolved. The team at Reading Plumbing is equipped to offer high-quality, affordable plumbing service when you require it the most. As such, you’ll need the services of an emergency plumber near you when running into plumbing problems like:
- Clogged Drains & Overflowing Fixtures
- Drains that don’t seem to “drain” quick enough can become an issue if left unchecked. However, when drains become entirely obstructed, this renders the use of a fixture inoperable until the drain is cleared. Worse yet, if a clogged drain results in an overflowing toilet or sink, the resulting water damage can be significant. Thus, when plumbing fixtures are overflowing, you need a plumber ASAP.
- Burst Pipes
- A leaky pipe or drain is not an issue that should be ignored, as it can cause water damage to your home over time. However, such problems are not as urgent as when a pipe breaks entirely. Not only do burst pipes significantly increase your chances for water damage, but it requires all or a portion of your plumbing to be shut off until the pipe is repaired. And at Reading Plumbing, we understand you can’t go long without running water.
- Broken Water Heater
- A malfunctioning water heater might not be as pressing a concern on a warm summer day. However, broken water heaters place your home and family at risk during winter. Your pipes can quickly freeze without hot running water, causing additional problems like backed-up plumbing and cracked or burst pipes. And as mentioned previously, burst pipes are a significant problem for any home or business.

Plumbing Service at Your Request
While Reading Plumbing is quick to resolve pressing plumbing concerns, we also offer larger-scale plumbing services for homes or businesses. For those wishing to update, install or expand piping, fixtures, and other plumbing features, Reading Plumbing can assist with:
Call Today
When facing plumbing problems that require a quick resolution, you need the services of an expert emergency plumber near you. Get in touch with the Reading Plumbing, Inc. team today! You can contact us at 309-692-2762. Also, we are located at 7712 N Crestline Dr, Peoria, IL 61615.